Updated ADHD: The beginning of the rest of our lives.

Ok, after knowing this new information on ADHD, we highly suspect this condition had a lot to do with us feeling so invisible and inadequate most of our lives.  We also know we’re gifted with many superpowers we haven’t spent much time considering that are waiting to be leveraged.  How do we take these new concepts and integrate them into our lives in a way that works for us?  What’s the most efficient first step in taking advantage of these so called superpowers?  

5 tips on adopting the cornerstone of thriving: unconditional self-acceptance.  

Consider you're Acceptable: Just for the duration of this blog, entertain the chance that you’re already acceptable just the way you are.  It is only when we’re taught our sensitivities and ways of learning are negative or nothing special and we believe that message, that our development and thinking is stunted.  Our negative beliefs about our functioning, not only stunts our learning as much as possible when the teaching methods aren’t congruent with our natural learning style, but it also stunts our learning even when these methods are congruent with the way we naturally learn.

Consider you’re On purpose: The greatest truth from recent ADHD research is that our bodies were made differently for a reason.  The characteristic of sensitivity has survived thousands of generations because it’s an essential characteristic for survival.  The unique insights and connections sensitive individuals can recognize have saved countless lives over the years.  

You have a choice: We may not have grown up with the amount of emotional connection, acceptance, and validation our unique bodies needed, but as adults, we now have the choice to provide exactly what we need for our own selves.  And it starts with actively embracing or at least inviting curiosity into the concept of being more than enough just the way we are, no matter what.

Infinite potential: Fully embracing this concept is probably going to be a process, and that’s okay.  The key is consistently contemplating the idea on a daily or weekly basis.  Once you tell yourself and  fully  believe you’re accepted and loved for exactly who you are, it can unlock and ignite the way to  unhindered heights of fulfillment and insight. The idea  that there is nothing you can do or neglect that will mess up just how much you accept your own self is called unconditional positive self-regard, and it is the key to success on so many levels for most individuals with ADHD.

 Imagine: Imagine if you knew you were fully accepted and valid, no matter what actions you took or didn’t take.  Think of the peace you would experience, the risks it would free you to take, the clarity of mind it would provide for embracing and applying constructive lessons toward your future. The areas of personal growth that would result.  Feel free to journal or draw your answers to this imagining and bask in any relief or inspiration you notice in response. 

To wrap up, learning to accept yourself independently of your actions when you have spent so much time doing the opposite can seem like trying to turn 180 degrees on a dime.  However, considering the above possibilities is likely to motivate you to at least try on the intention of offering yourself unconditional compassion, in hopes that doors you never even considered may be unlocked, allowing you access to a whole new horizon.   Stay tuned for next time on turning this motivation into action one step at a time.


Updated ADHD: Consistent Action towards Self-acceptance


ADHD Superpowers: part two: The Correlation Crew