What’s Trauma Mean?

Asheville, NC


What is Trauma?   


Trauma is an emotional response to:


  1. An event or events that involved actual or threatened death or serious injury



2. Any event to which your response involved intense fear, horror, or helplessness.


  • Childhood exposure to domestic violence, physical, sexual, and or verbal abuse

  • Childhood neglect of basic needs including education, provision of  health care, food, clean clothes, and clear validation of emotions, talents, and general worth from primary support figures. 

  • A rape or physical violation in college.

  • Being discredited, belittled, or verbally abused by authorities on a job or career path.

  • Losing a job or career path.

  • The sudden death of a parent or child who is in or outside the womb.  Experiencing the abuse of your child.

  • Any other experience that significantly changed your life and resulted in a negative self-view.


  • Experiencing past events as if they are the present complete with bodily reactions and strong emotions

  • Avoiding normal and healthy activities due to their association with the incident

  • Strong resistance to even talk or think about the incident

  • Negative thought pattern about yourself and your relationships that you know are unrealistic but you just can’t shake because of what happened

  • Constant hyper awareness of surroundings

  • Disconnecting with reality as if life seems like a dream or is viewed from outside the body


  • Tense muscles,

  • Numb sensations

  • Anger at your body 

  • Struggle to sit still with your body

  • Altogether disconnectedness  between the conscious mind and body sensations such as playing a whole ball game on a broken ankle due to not noticing the pain. 

How generous our bodies are for carrying the trauma for us!  In the short term, our  body’s reaction to stress helps us continue to meet basic needs and survive, but it can be exhausting and hurtful when the tension and  disconnect persists for an extended period of time.


These are all healthy, normal, and appropriate responses to unhealthy, abnormal, inappropriate events.

My goal is for your future decisions and actions to be completely  independent of these disturbing incidents and for you to fully embrace the here and now rather than basing your mindset and internal experience  on the past.


This is totally attainable. You don’t have to live with the suffering  anymore.  If you are motivated and willing to work with me toward this dream, click the button below to get started.


Imagine being able to fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow and being able to have sex with your partner without past experiences running through your mind.  Imagine being one hundred percent present and captivated by the sensations of breathing from the very bottom of your  belly all the way to your collar bones and slowly all the way out during  yoga class.  Imagine fully knowing, embracing, and living the truth  that you are enough to your very core and that you have unique strengths of your very own that this world desperately needs.