All our parts are working for our good: Part three-  pure nurturance

No matter what you've gone through and no matter how intense the emotional needs are, imagine if there was a way for whatever need that wasn’t met in your past to be retroactively supplied.  Imagine the supply was in such abundance that you could not only still be benefiting from it today, but was actively being put toward your future in a tangible way.  Is that even possible?  If so, how is it done?

7 Tips on nurturing past wounds through the present and right on toward the future

There’s still time:  The younger version of you still exists inside you, requesting, however meekly or boldly, for the need to be met. 

Now is the time: Now that your brain is fully grown, you have the ability to embrace the persona of the parent you always needed in order to provide what is missing. 

You’re the key translator: Only you can sense and verbalize the exact viewpoint from which your inner child sees the particular situation.  

You’re the key investigator :  Only you have a direct channel to your inner child to ask what he or she needs to hear, feel, and experience in order for lasting healing to take place.  You’re also the most likely person for your inner child to trust, given your constant close proximity.

You’re the key ingredient: Only when what’s needed comes from you, your own self, is the delivery  most potent and lasting. Only you as the grown adult can imagine, create, and provide the healing in just the modality that would speak best to your inner child’s wound.

Only you are constant: Also only you, as the grown adult and potential nurturing parent, are available twenty four seven to provide what is needed, no matter its timing. 

The possible bloom: Once you listen to, take responsibility for, and provide the space, time, and resources needed by your inner child, you know you have the resources to be your own first responder when times are tough. The combination of feeling safe enough to trust your needs

will be met and feeling accomplished at providing the needs allows a beautiful fruit of freedom, independence, genuine intimacy, and meaning to take shape.  

To wrap up, it's easy to discount past unmet needs as a lost cause or a train that left the station ages ago.  However, the above tips may have convinced you that, with the cooperation of both your adult/parent self and your inner child self, the wound is not only healable but capable of positively transforming your whole present and future life through the process.  Stay tuned for next time on putting all the parts together.


Our parts are working for our good: Conclusion: All three in concert


All our parts are working for our good: Part 2 -  the heart of the matter