Interview Anxiety: Body support during

Last time, we explored avenues of discerning and supplying needed support during the countdown to interview time, which will do its part at also supporting you during the actual interview, but we need all the help we can get while the interview is actually happening.  In order to help our minds function within the ballpark of normalcy, we first have to address our nervous system so it switches over from survival mode to the logical side of things.  So, how do we get the message to our body the difference between standing in front of a firing squad and sitting down with some new but potentially interesting people to have a somewhat pleasant conversation?  

6 tips for supporting your tissues so you can speak your issues

Think Senses: Keep in mind the environmental cues that you know are most important to you.  Consider smells,  tastes, touches, sounds, and  sights that are most balancing for your nervous system.  

Smell/Taste: This might look like putting on your favorite perfume (smell) or essential oils (smell and sensation on the skin).  Taste could be bringing your own water (taste, hydration, lubricating vocal chords), savoring your favorite taste i,e. tea, special coffee,mint beforehand so the taste is on your tongue.  

Touch/Sensations: Touch or sensations could be the fabric of your outfit, the texture of the inner lining in your shoes, bringing an extra layer in case the temperature is cool, applying essential oils that make a refreshing sensation on your temples, behind your ears, or on your wrists, using a pen with a favored texture, holding your cool water bottle in your palm, etc.

Sound: Sounds may be a little tricky if you're interviewing on site.  However, you can always request that the door is shut or make sure you listen to an upbeat or calming song right before you enter so it's top of mind for silent listening between questions.  If you’re on zoom, it might be possible to play a calming sound in the background even if it’s very faint.  

Sight: Sights also can be tricky if you’re interviewing on site.  However, consider incorporating a positive visual into your outfit such as sentimental jewelry, or an article of clothing that has a positive association and that you can see during the interview.  You can also observe the room you're interviewing in for the most uplifting or interesting sight and make that your focal point you return to as often as possible.  

Energy outlets during:  Along the same lines as touch, it may be helpful to explore discreet outlets for extra nervous energy in the moment of interview.  This could look like wearing a fidget ring you could manipulate while pondering a question, any tiny object that is squeezable, a small stone to rub, or a keychain size but silent fidget, tapping your toe lightly under the table, or crossing your legs under the table and allowing your dangling foot to swing ever so slightly.  If you are on zoom, consider using a stand up desk, a small bicycle wheel that goes under your desk, sitting on a yoga ball, or letting your foot bounce on a ball under your desk.  

To wrap up, supporting your own body during the actual interview can seem like an almost impossible task, especially for us adhders. However, the above tips have hopefully spurred some insightful pondering and fruitful ideas for comforting and assuring your body in the language it uniquely speaks best, so the tracks switch over in favor of focus and clarity when it matters most.  Stay tuned for next time on Mind support during the actual interview.


Interview Anxiety: Mind Support During:


Managing Interview Performance Anxiety: The countdown