Where the dreams meet the planner:

Last time we covered the comfort, wonder, and inspiration that can come from allowing yourself to dream about the future.  But, how do we harness the overwhelm of having so many dreams at once?  How do we dodge the temptation to get lost in intimidation or desperation at how far it is from here to there?  

Six steps from dreams to progress:

Dream Regularly: Devote a day and time slot to spending time contemplating your image.  Adding to, rearranging, journaling about it.  As long as you spend a consistent block of time with this a week, count it progress.  Even if you spend the whole time gazing. Trust your heart will know what to do when.

Narrow it Down: When you are ready, out of all the ideas your brain generated, list the top five you would most likely consider pursuing, within this current season of your life.  Out of those five, which one or two would be approachable within the next year?  If you find yourself with two areas, pick the one you are most prepared for right here and right now..

Name the first action: Considering the area you picked for this year, what is the first and smallest baby step toward pursuing growth here?  

Make a date with that action Look at your planner and block off a specific day and time to put that baby step in action.  Mark in on your calendar with a blank space for noting the needed following step. 

Make a date with action two: During your weekly reserved time for giving your dreams your undivided attention, look back to your note of needed follow up steps and schedule that step in a specific day and time within the next week leading up to your next weekly reflection time. Keep repeating until your goal is complete.

Note and appreciate your progress: Make sure to reflect each month on your overall progress and bask in your movement forward.  

To wrap up, putting your dreams into action can seem overwhelming and perhaps impossible at first.  However, following these steps can provide the structure, self-acceptance, and ease needed for them to take practical form at just the right time.


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Dream Yourself into the future: