Dream Yourself into the future:

What if you find yourself with extra down time in the wake of setting standards that those who were close to you chose not to meet? What if you’re asking yourself who you are now and where to focus that time and energy?  How do you even harness such a big question without being overwhelmed, much less actually getting an answer?

Six questions for updating your dreams: 

Dream Structure: Imagine your dream house five years in the future.  Limits of money, location, transportation and all the rest of the practical stuff don’t exist.  What kind of shelter do you imagine?  

Ex: Lean to, A frame, log cabin, House boat, natural habitat, Mansion….

It’s Relationship with Fresh Air What kind of access would it have to the outdoors?

Ex: regular sized windows, wall length windows, retractable windows, retractable sections of the house

Dream rooms: What rooms would it have and where would they be located in relation to each other and the outdoors?

EX: kitchen, dining room, porch,bedroom, living room, laundry room, study, bathroom, office, workout/special interest room

Dream outdoor space: What kind of outdoor space would be available?

Pool, back/front yard, volleyball court, golf course, playground, stadium, amphitheater..

Dream Growth Activities: What area/s of your life do you see yourself developing the most between now and then?

Ex: Professional, hobbies, family relationships, spiritual, self-care, education, 

Ideal growth space: What specific focus would each of these areas take and in what room would you engage in the activities?

Ex: I would practice my zumba teaching in my dance studio, use my kitchen for practicing ballroom dancing with my husband while he cooks wonderful meals, throw family reunions and self-actualization retreats in my enormous back yard that is mostly taken up by a swimming pool complete with paddle boards and lanes for lap swimming, conduct online therapy and private yoga sessions in my study, and sleep like a baby and journal in my canopy bed in my bedroom.  Oh, and I can’t forget the luxurious bubble baths I will take nightly in my whirlpool jacuzzi located in the bathroom. 

  Push Save: Write and or draw out all the details with as many specifics as possible and stay here in your mind as long as you want.  Bask in the wonder of limitless possibilities the rest of your life could take you.  Notice and bask in any physical outer or inner shifts in response to spending time here.   Keep the image somewhere you look often.  

To wrap up, entering a new chapter of life that seems stark and uncharted can seem daunting at first.  However, the above activity can bring you up close and personal with the fact that each ending is often a beginning of endless possibilities.  Stay tuned for next time on making practical plans from this ideal dream.

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Where the dreams meet the planner:


Boundary’s Wake : Favors of Furlough