Sensitive People: Actually Speaking your Truth Well

Last time we covered tips for sensitive people on formulating a well landing response to a dogmatic opinion.  Once we have a map of exactly what we want to say, how do  we manage our nerves while delivering so we come across as a functional human being who is worth listening to?

Six tips for reining in your nerves to deliver well.

Timing: Give yourself enough time between formulating and delivering to embody your message so you feel comfortable in your own skin as you are saying it.  Think about the times of day when your natural energy is most productive and only offer these times when scheduling the conversation.

Place: When choosing the setting, consider the environment, including smells, sounds, temperature, and textures, that is most conducive for you to focus well.  If possible, rehearse often in this environment before the actual delivery.

Props: Consider any needed visuals such as pictures, power point, drawing utensils, marker board etc.  Make sure to drink water right before and have some water handy in case your mouth is dry during the delivery.  Bring your notes of what you wanted to make sure you cover with you and perhaps check off the points as you talk about them.

Prep: Save yourself a cushion of time right before the meeting for movement I.E. walking, dancing to your favorite music, or pushing as hard as you can on a sturdy wall to give your excess nerves somewhere to go and so you feel strong in your body, which will most likely translate to your mind and heart too .   During your movement or right after, spend time imagining the senses involved in your favorite place and stay there as long as you can so that you go into the meeting with a positive frame of mind.  Consider whether you want to engage in this time alone or if there is a particularly uplifting and reassuring friend you would want to join you.

During: Focus on the content you are covering rather than how the other person is responding.  Know that the other person’s response is not only out of your control but is totally independent of how well you are making your case.  Give the person permission to respond however they will.  Focus on the fact that you know you are doing all you can do to come to an understanding with the other person, which is all anyone can ask of you, and the rest is up to them.  

Right after: Save yourself a cushion of time right after for a motor break to shake out the nerves. Create an exit strategy for the things about the meeting you’re unsure about or that didn’t go well such as listing or symbolizing them into something tangible and sending the list

into the sky, burning it, or tossing it into a body of water.  Make a success list about the conversation, listing only things that happened that you are proud of and that went well.  Then, enjoy doing something fun and relaxing, basking in the fact that uncomfortable moment is behind you.  perhaps with a supportive friend

To wrap up, delivering your truth to someone who might not share the same view can be a nervy endeavor.  But, the six tips above can do wonders for calmly speak your truth well, smoothly moving on, no matter the response.

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Expectations as boundary


Formulating a well landing and honest response